Knowledgebase: Windows Hosting > Plesk
MSSQL database & ASP.NET Hosting Guide
Posted by Kumar Ranganathan, Last modified by Kumar Ranganathan on 10 January 2012 08:38 PM
Steps to Host >> MSSQL + ASP.NET Scripts 1. You should create a database name, username & password for the mssql database. Once done, refer the URL for knowlege base on importing the MSSQL from your local PC to the database which you created on the PLESK panel. Using the Enterprise Manager from your local PC 2. Once db is been exported to the server. Configure the same db details on the script and upload it through the ftp account. 3. Once uploaded. login to the Plesk Control panel. >> click the >> Home >> web directories >> click the folder name >> here click the ASPNET button Here, select the coding like, vb or c etc.. and click ok. Once done, You will be able to access the website through the browser. Note : We support .NET version only upto 3.5, so make sure you have this scripting versions. anything higher will not work from our windows hosting. Kumar Ranganathan Analyst - L3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Square Brothers Information Technologies (P) Ltd., AA-101/2, First Street, Second Avenue, Annanagar, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. PIN : 600040 Tel : +91.44.26205355 / 26205356 / 26205357 e-Mail : url : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | |
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